Unit 15 - CAD & 2/3D CAD, CNC, Printing
Introduction To "Fire Breathing Robots..."
This is an Introduction Unit for my Mechatronics Engineering 3D Printing Resource Page, so that means it's a Mish-Mash of class launching Lessons, Procedures, Setups and even some lab stuff. This Unit will answer the following questions:
3D Printing
How to be Awesome?
Let's get started... Its going to be a fun, awesome ride...
- Unit: Professional Development
- Module: Mechanical 3D CAD and Printing
- This is a LEARNING : Lesson / Lab
- Last Revised: Nov. 25, 2021 - Authored: Dec. 28, 2020
- Original Author: Jim Burnham - TopClown@STEAMClown.org
- Content License: Distributed as Open Source. See Rights & Usage
Sid Bar for Teachers: This Unit and lessons is really about how I start my class. Many of the lessons might be specific to my class, but you could probably adjust them for your class. I'll try to make them a neutral as I can, so they can be used in any Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, or any other Engineering / Technology class. Let me know how I can make that better. I'll try to keep this unit current and relevant. Please let me know if any resource links are broken or not accessible. Use this email link to let me know what is broken @ TopClown@STEAMClown.org
Overview and Introduction:
Author: Jim Burnham - TopClown@STEAMClown.org. License: Distributed as Open Source.
Sponsor Shout Out
I would like to thank Digi-Key Electronics for their generous support of my classroom and curriculum development. Digi-Key has Kits, Lab resources and Lesson materials ready to support each of the Labs and Lessons presented here. Each Lesson or Lab will have convenient links for all your electronic component needed to complete the hands on activities.
Learning Objective:
- Introduction to 3D CAD and 3D Printing
- Introduce Classroom 3D Printers
- Be able to create 3D CAD drawings
- Be able to port them to the classroom 3D Printers
- None - You Be You
- PC, Laptop or Other device to access the web based and installed 3D application
- Each lesson will have specific items needed to complete the labs and tasks
No explicit prerequisite course work or coding knowledge is required, but students are expected to have a good understanding of basic computer principles.
Caution & Safety Considerations:
Primer: "Aaron, I can imagine no way in which this thing could be considered anywhere remotely close to safe. All I know is I spent six hours in there and I'm still alive... You still want to do it?"
As with any activity, please make sure you are using appropriate safety equipment. If you are coding, writing, reading, or working a lab, make sure you stand up and stretch every hour or so, Please consider any safety issues connecting to a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, computers and other electronic equipment.
Essential Questions:
Why is it cool to be able to create stuff with "Additive" manufacturing?
Key Academic Vocabulary or Concepts:
3D Printing
Additive Manufacturing
Unit Topics and Lessons
2D CAD & 2D Printing Introduction (Laser & Plasma)
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📖 Lesson Tutorial
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📽️ Video - Podcast
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📰 Slide Presentation (Coming Soon)
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #1 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #2 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #3 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
3D CAD & 3D Printing Introduction
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📖 Lesson Tutorial
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📽️ Video - Podcast
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📰 Slide Presentation (Coming Soon)
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #1 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #2 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #3 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
TinkerCAD Introduction
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📖 Lesson Tutorial
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📽️ Video - Podcast
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📰 Slide Presentation (Coming Soon)
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #1 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #2 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #3 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
INKSCAPE - 📖 Page, Lessons Tutorials
For Designers of all Kinds - The design process may begin by doodles on a napkin, a sketched mindmap, a photo of a memorable object, or a mockup in software which really wouldn't work to complete the project. Inkscape can take you from this stage to a final, professional-grade design format which is ready for publication on the web or in physical form.
If you are new to the process of creating vector graphics it may feel different, but you will quickly be pleased by the flexibility, and power Inkscape offers. Vector design is often the preferred method of image creation for logos, illustrations and art which require high scalability. The Inkscape application is used across a wide variety of industries (marketing/branding, engineering/CAD, web graphics, cartooning) and individual uses.
Class Room Printers & Laser Cutters
Bambu 3D Printer (Coming Soon)
Bambu 3D-Printers - Robot Club Project Getting Started Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
Prusa I3 MK3 (original) 3D Printer
Resources & Setup
Prusa I3 MK3 (original) 3D Printer - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
AnyCubic (This Is STEAM Clown's Printer)
Resources & Setup
AnyCubic - Robotic Club Getting Started Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
PC Mag - AnyCubic i3 Mega S Review - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
QIDI 3D Printer
QIDI 3D-Printers - Robot Club Project Getting Started Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
Creality Ender-5 Plus 3D Printer
Creality Ender-5 Plus 3D-Printers - Robot Club Project Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
Creality Ender-5 Plus - Unboxing Build and Set Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PujVuFZwVJg
Creality Ender 5 Plus: Build and Preview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CznvM1onecA
Leveling - Creality Ender-5 Plus Bltouch Leveling Tutorial (2019) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSOVAdKw4ss
JG Maker 3D Printer (This Is STEAM Clown's Printer)
JG Maker -3D-Printers - Robot Club Project Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
UP Mini 3D Printer
Setup & Tutorial Links
UP Mini 3D-Printers Page - Robot Club Project Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
FrankeNDER (Creality Ender-5 Plus) 3D Printer
Creality Ender-5 Plus 3D-Printers - Robot Club Project Tutorial - ✨ Resources / 🖼️ Tutorial
This is a Robot Club Project to rebuild and get running - As me about it...
Mechatronics Engineering Introduction - <topic>
This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available - Professional Development Newsletter
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📖 Lesson Tutorial
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📽️ Video - Podcast
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📰 Slide Presentation (Coming Soon)
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #1 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #2 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #3 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
License - "Be A Hero"... Distribute Your Content As Open Source... That Is What I'm Doing...
If you do use my material, and make changes, I would appreciate getting a copy... because if you are making changes, it means that you think there is a better way to teach this… and I would really appreciate understanding that. Please send me feedback on my Questions or Feedback form. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or comment.
You also should keep and include my STEAM Clown Logo and Copyright in any derivative works you create. I would appreciate if you would include one of these images found on my Steam Clown License page and link it to www.steamclown.org
Reference & Resources:
Teachers - Unit, Module and Lesson Plans
If you are a teacher and want to connect and teach this LinkedIn module, discuss how I teach it, give me feedback, please contact me at TopClown@STEAMClown.org
To access this Lesson Plan and the Teacher collaboration area, you will have needed to connect with me so I can Share the content with you. Please go to the Teachers & Partner Page, check out my Licensing and fill out my Collaboration and Curriculum Request Form. I'll review and then grant you access to the requested areas and lesson plans if they exist.
If you have questions or feedback on how I can make a presentation, lesson, lab better please give use my Feedback Form.
Random Stuff To Sort
PLA popping of the bed at the default 195/50 temp. - Redit post
default Pikachu print popped off about 1/2 way. temp was 195/50 - I put some glue stick down, changed the bed temp t o60 and only changed the nozzle to 197.