Unit-0 Mechatronics Class Introduction

Unit-0  Mechatronics Class Introduction

Unit Overview and Outline:

Author: Jim Burnham -  TopClown@STEAMClown.org.  License: Distributed as Open Source. 

I'm still working on this Unit... This will happen in the 2019-2020 school year

Learning Objective:


Caution & Safety  Considerations:

New Words - Technical Terms & Vocabulary:

Getting Started:

<Topic> - Lessons,  Lectures, Labs:


License & Attribution:

This lesson and content there in is distributed as Open Source.   This interpretation is primarily the Intellectual Property of Jim Burnham, Top STEAM Clown, at STEAMClown.org .  This Lesson, presentation and content is distributed under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.    The programming code found in this presentation or linked to on my Github site  is distributed under the  GNU General Public License v3.0  & the European Union Public Licence EUPL 1.2 or later    My best attempt to properly attribute, or reference any other sources or work I have used are listed below or in the slides and lecture notes

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