CNC - STEAM Clown's Project

This is the documentation of my Hack of a CNC machine I was given, that had a n old controller that I could not connect to and could not get the software to work... So I bought a new Stepper motor controller and stepper Drivers... Here is my story...

Day One: Oct 15 2020

Well... Actually, I started and Stopped working on this, so it may be a bit out of order... but this is the basic time line.  I this is the date I actually really started getting serious on getting this CNC running.

Things I need to Figure Out... 

What are my Motors and what are the wire pairs?

Is there a standard when using the 5 pin XLR connector connecting to a stepper motor?



The First thing I needed to do was figure out what I should use to drive the Stepper motors... There was lots of stuff about the TB6600 Driver... they are cheep, but most folks found that they were not consistent and accurate... maybe they lost a step or just could not deliver the current to drive a bigger 

Stepper Motor Stuff... Like How to Identify and what the pins do....

Nima Stepper Driver Stuff.

Arduino Based Control:

Later: Oct 16 2020

Well... Here is my Progress...

const int stepDirPlus = 2;const int stepPullPlus = 3;void setup() {  // put your setup code here, to run once:  pinMode(stepDirPlus, OUTPUT);  pinMode(stepPullPlus, OUTPUT);  digitalWrite(stepDirPlus, HIGH); // LOW = CCW HIGH = CW }
void loop() {  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:  digitalWrite(stepPullPlus, LOW);  digitalWrite(stepPullPlus, HIGH);  delayMicroseconds(600);  // Controls the Speed}

Oct 18 2020 - Just Doing Research...

It's Sunday, so I'm just doing some research on CNC controllers, G-Code senders, CNC Software and DYI Controller builds

April 9 2022

All Right!! It's been more than a year.  I have students working on it, and we have the motors spinning with Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

Looks like the going wisdom is to use an Arduino to drive the stepper controllers and then use a Raspberry Pi to run tools like Universal G-Code Sender (UGS).  

What I am having a harder time finding is the Arduino Sketch that the UGS talks too.

Here are some links to take a look at:

April 11, 2022

found this site, and am having Peter research this:

Later: Date...

Well... Here is my Progress