Python - Introduction


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Author: Jim Burnham - 

License: Distributed as Open Source.  

Python - Resources - (Software, Tools, Applications)

Note from STEAM Clown:  There are lots of resources for Python, but much of what we will learn in these lessons will come from Dr. Charles R. Severance from the University of Michigan. He has created a site called Python 4 Everyone. .  Much of the lectures and lessons will be adapted from his site, lectures and lessons. After you have review these resources, click 'Next' and check out the first lessons.

Online Python Interpreters

There are a few Python interpreters online. This lets you try code with out having to install Python on your own PC or physically have a Raspberry Pi or other hardware. Here are a few. If you find a better one, please let me know.

Python Editors to Install

Python Books and Reference Sites

Python Classes and Tutorials - Learn at Your Own Pace

Code Examples:


Other Resources:

Next Steps:


Author: Jim Burnham - 

License: Distributed as Open Source.  

Python - Introduction - Overview

Note from STEAM Clown: Why another Python class? - I think the main reason for another Python class, is that I can never find just the right Labs, Lectures, and Presentations or site, with just the right examples... or structured just the way I want it. Some classes and sites are too hot and some are too cold... for me, I'm hoping this class is just right. :-) I'm teaching Mechatronics Engineering High School students, and I want to run my class a certain way, with lessons that are a specific length and complexity... While there are some AWESOME programming classes and sites out there, I wanted a class I could point my students to, that was organized around my Mechatronics Engineering Python Units.  Believe me, I'm going to beg, borrow and "steal" any good code and point to sites that help me teach my students Python. So, sorry (not sorry)  for another site for learning Raspberry Pi & Python.

Much of my Python coding material is primarily derived from an Awesome class by Charles R. Severance, and his collateral can be found on the site. He has a Copyright 2010 - Charles R. Severance ( of the University of Michigan School of Information and has, like me, made his material available under a Creative Commons Attribution License. If you use my or his collateral, please maintain your collateral with the attribution requirements of the license. I have a image with a link at the end.

What You Will Know & Be Able To Do - Objectives:

This Python class is intended to introduce students not just the syntax of coding, but to the concept of Design Thinking when planning and writing a Python code, and / or  playing with hardware like a ESP32 or  Raspberry Pi.

Learning Objective:


Essential Questions:

Ideas and Concepts Presented in this Module: 

Resources & Materials Needed:

How You Will Be Measured - Assessment & Evidence of Learning:

There will be a number of ways that you are evaluated on how well you have learned and retained the concepts taught in this Python class.  Each module will have the following summative and formative assessments:

Next Steps: