Toshiba/NSTA - ExploraVision

jim The STEAM  Clown page status notes: I will Update Lesson Plan for the 2019-2020 school year.  Ask me how this year went


Toshiba/NSTA - ExploraVision Web Site  

The ExploraVision competition for K-12 students engages the next generation in real world problem solving with a strong emphasis on STEM. ExploraVision challenges students envision and communicate new technology 10 or more years in the future through collaborative brainstorming and research of current science and technology.

ExploraVision is a science competition that goes beyond the typical student science competition and into what it takes to bring ideas to reality. A teacher will sponsor and lead his/her students as they work in groups of 2 – 4 to simulate real research and development. A teacher will guide his or her students as they pick a current technology, research it, envision what it might look like in 10 or more years, and describe the development steps, pros & cons, and obstacles. 

Getting Started

2023-2024 Teams



Lesson, Lectures. Labs

Toshiba/NAST ExploraVision - Possible Pre-Requisites, Additional Supporting Knowledge, and Background
The following resources might be helpful to review before starting this unit.

Toshiba/NAST ExploraVision - Introduction - 📰 - presentation
Introduction to the program and project.  Introduction to the format and report structure. You will brainstorm problems that need to get solved, before designing a solution.

Toshiba/NAST ExploraVision - Team Brainstorming - 📰 - presentation
After teams of 2-4 have been formed, Team mates will discuss each of their Challenges / Problems and "Shake Down" to the teams top four, in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th priority order.

Toshiba/NAST ExploraVision - Team Brainstorming - 📰 - presentation
After teams of 2-4 have been formed, Team mates will discuss each of their top 4 and shake down to a team top 1st place and 2nd place Problems to solve.

Key ExploraVision Rules, Deadlines, Etc.

Random Stuff To Sort

Teachers - Unit, Module and Lesson Plans

I'm just starting to look at this program, and ran a short program in the 2019  Jan-Feb  time frame. The again 2020-2021 and 2021-2022   This year 2022-2023 I'm starting in Oct and plan to be done before Winter Break, and submit early Jan 2023.