Covid-19 Take Home Bin



Hand Tools

Each kit will have the following Tools and Safety equipment:

Breadboard and Arduino

Arduino $15

Breadboard $10

5 v Power (Wall Wort)

This is a high quality power supply manufactured specifically for SparkFun Electronics that packs a lot of power; 20W at 5V and 4000mA (TOL-15352) 

Must be Returned at the end of the year ($15)

Breadboard Jumper wires

You have about 100 of these wires, please return as many as possible


DC Motor (up-cycled form a old printer)

Each kit has a DC motor.  Please return this in working order

Must be Returned at the end of the year ($5)


This is a 1K ohm or 10k ohm Potentiometer with soldered on jumper leads

Must be Returned at the end of the year ($2)

330 ohm Resistor

This is a four band style 1/4 Watt Resistor.  

The color code is Orange (3), Orange (3), Brown (x10)  = 33 x 10 = 330 ohm


1K ohm Resistor