Raspberry Pi & Python Introduction

Workshop and Hands-On Labs


This is the planning page and eventually the real page for this Raspberry Pi & Python work shop.  This workshop can be a super fast 3 hour event or 4-5 day workshop, focused on learning about the Raspberry Pi and Python coding principles.  We jump right in with setting up a Raspberry Pi, where to learn Python, and there is a touch of basic electronics, like how a bread board works.  Then we jump right into Linux command line coding and how to navigate around the Raspberry Pi.  We learn the basic Python syntax for If, The, Else, For loops and other conditional structures. The modules linked in this workshop are typically links to deeper dives of material I teach in my High School Mechatronics Engineering class, or quick overviews of broader presentations .  I'll keep updating the links to "Dig Deeper", where you can continue your learning.

If you want to get on a mailing email list (reflector) where I can keep you updated on new modules and resources, please send me mail here at TopClown@STEAMClown.org  and ask me to add you to the Raspberry Pi & Python mailing list


Modules & Resources:

Workshop Modules

More Electronics Resources



Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4: