Trevor Radford

1936 - 2000

Amateur Trevor Robert Radford was born in Surrey on July 16, 1936.

Aged 64, he became the oldest jockey to be killed under rules when he was unseated at Goodwood from Landican Lane on August 26, 2000.

Trevor Radford died on October 28, 2000. The cause of death was bronchial pneumonia.

Trevor Radford, 64, came down when his mount Landican Lane, owned by his wife Janet, was hampered on a bend in an amateur riders' event at Goodwood in West Sussex on Saturday.

He was taken by ambulance to St Richard's Hospital in Chichester and later transferred to Southampton General Hospital, to undergo an operation for a subdural haemorrhage - bleeding in the brain.

Mr Radford is one of the oldest jockeys to have ridden in the UK.

He returned to thoroughbred racing last year, having not ridden under rules since 1953.

He had ridden in Arab races in the 1990s and passed medical tests before making his return from a 46-year break last November.

Having retired from his job as a car mechanic at a motor dealership in Guildford, Surrey, two weeks ago, he was intending to make the ride his last.

Steve Rees, who also rode in the race, said: "There was a little bit of tightening up and suddenly Mr Radford was sliding along the ground on his back right next to me."

Jockey Club spokesman, John Maxse, confirmed that Mr Radford had passed strict tests before his licence to ride as an amateur jockey was granted.

"Licensing somebody of that age would inevitably raise an eyebrow or two, not least within the licensing department itself," he said.

"When we receive an application for an amateurs' licence they must pass a very rigorous medical examination and prove that they have sufficient experience and fitness."

He said a licence would not be granted if there was a chance they could in any way pose a danger to any other horse or rider.

"One of the reasons Mr Radford did pass was that he had demonstrated a high level of fitness and competency in the saddle when he was competing in Arab races," he added.