November 2019 News
Post date: Nov 20, 2019 10:16:00 PM
Thank you to everyone who came and helped over Remembrance Weekend showing Scouting in the community. We did very well this year raising £586.10 for the Royal British Legion, a large increase on last year's £357.36. We had a large number of people helping on Saturday and I know there was a point towards the end where we perhaps had too many, but for nearly the whole 3hrs we had at least someone outside Budgens and Tesco so are limited in how to spread out people more. The Sunday parade was quite well attended and the flag bearers and readers did a good job.
We have still got a number of upcoming events before the end of the year, including needing chocolate for a Chocolate Tombola at the Radlett Winter Fair this Sunday, Radlett Christmas Post and hope to have a Clear Up at the Headquarters to sweep the leaves, more on these all below.
At our Executive Committee meeting this week, we discussed the need for more members of the committee in particular the urgent need for a new treasurer and for fundraisers, see more below.
Help Required
The Group executive committee are looking for new members to join the team, who meet roughly 4 times a year and look after all aspects of the group including running the building. It is very useful to have parental support as some of the committee are ex parents so it would be great to have more current parents. Here are some of areas in which we need help. If you would like to know more about any of the following please contact Jackie at
Treasurer. Most important we need to have a functioning Group. Now we changed over to online payments there is generally not much cash to manage so can be done at home.
Fundraising This may suit a group of people working together to organise fundraising events for the Group, especially since have limited extra money coming into the Group since the loss of the nursery.
Compliance We could benefit hugely from someone who ensures we meet with our responsibilities in areas such as Health and Safety, obviously if anyone has expertise in such an area that would be brilliant.
Building maintenance We have recently had the windows replaced but there are also things needing doing around the Headquarters, so to join the team helping with such matters.
Stores master We have lots of tents and other equipment in our store underneath our Headquarters. We are looking for someone to check that these are in working order and complete, so when leaders take them out to camp they know everything is there.