1st Radlett Scout Troop Reopens
Post date: Feb 08, 2019 5:24:33 PM
1st Radlett Scouts are pleased to announce the reopening of the Scout Troop, which has been closed since the previous leaders left in July 2018. Our new leaders Alex, James P, Maddie, Gemma, Jasmine and James W have come to lead the troop every Tuesday in term time from 7:45pm in our Scout Headquarters in Scrubbits Park Road. Our greatest thanks go to these new leaders, a number of whom have direct experience of Scouting and also volunteer elsewhere in the District.
This all comes in the year of 1st Radlett Scouts Centenary as the Group was officially registered on 16th May 1919. We have had a Centenary Woggle designed by one of our members and as well as having some joint events with the Radlett Guides, who also celebrate their Centenary, we will be having a Centenary celebration with past members and leaders on Saturday 29 June. We would like to take this opportunity to invite past members and leaders to join us at our celebration and to help spread the word. If anyone also has historic documents or photographs of the Group please do contact us on centenary.1stradlettscouts@gmail.com 1st Radlett Scouts has also obtained a grant to improve the windows, doors and fire escape of our headquarters.
As a result of the short time without the Scout Troop, we currently have spaces for any children 10 ½ - 14 years old. There are also some spaces in our Cub Pack for any children aged 8-10 ½ years old. If you would like to join contact info@1stradlettscouts.org.uk for details. However, we still need helpers, particularly in the Cub Pack, to provide Scouting for all in Radlett.