Group News May 2022
Post date: May 20, 2022 4:16:00 PM
We are delighted that two of our Scouts have been selected to represent the District at the World Scout Jamboree in Korea in the summer of 2023. Congratulations to Ben R and Thomas P. Sarah, Assistant Cub Leader has also been selected to attend the Jamboree as part of the International Service Team, a group of adults assisting at the event. They will be fundraising over the next year so we will be supporting them with this.
It is great we are back to meeting regularly and other activities are starting to return after not being held for two years, although not back up to the level of pre pandemic activities. A team of Scouts represented the district in February at the County Cooking Competition, the oldest Cubs were able to attend a County Bushcraft Day in March and the Beavers had an online Space themed camp. Hopefully there will be some more District and County events coming up as well as things we do in the group
However the Beaver Colony is desperate for regular adult help to join the leadership team. We have had two amazing parent helpers who have supported the leaders, but their children have now moved up to Cubs and they have unfortunately left, so we are now very short. We would really like to recruit at least one more leader to join the team, so please spread the word as we recruit our volunteers locally, as the Beaver colony is at risk of closing if we do not recruit any more volunteers. The Scout leadership team are also looking for more volunteers after the Scout leader Alex left at Christmas. The assistants have been running the weekly meeting but with work commitments this is getting more difficult, and will struggle to continue without new leaders.
On the committee we have now recruited a Secretary, Rachel and two parent representatives Budda and Emma, welcome to them We still need a Treasurer to complete the executive committee team. This can be done at home, as all subscriptions are now paid by Direct Debit as are all the most regular bills. Again please spread to word to anyone you think would be able to help us with this role.Â