Group News November 2022

Post date: Nov 4, 2022 4:02:00 PM

The Group has had a busy start to the term with members attending the District Promise Day and enjoying the activities. The Beavers have had some fun sessions including a nature walk they all enjoyed. The Cubs have been learning about festivals and fire safety and some of the Scouts joined other Scouts and Explorers from the District at a camp in the Peak District.

As many of you will hopefully be aware, we have been trying to recruit new volunteers to our group. All Scout groups like many other youth organisations are run by volunteers, with a variety of different skills and time they can offer to help from running meetings to working behind the scenes. Reaching half term we have to be completely honest and say we so far have a number of areas we are lacking volunteers. All of our leaders and committee members volunteer their time to run the different areas.

The main area we need help in is Scouts. Scouts are also looking for new leaders, particularly as we have been without a full time Section Leader for nearly a year. We thank Maddie and Joe who have had to step back due to work committees after the summer term and Lauren who has now moved away. For this term have our District Commissioner running the troop, but we can't maintain this beyond the Autumn term. If anyone is interested, or know of anyone who can lead the troop please get in contact.

The other area we are particularly short in is our Group Executive Committee.

On our committee we do still require a Treasurer, Secretary and Parent Representatives. See more below on how you can help the Group in these roles.

In Beavers we are now in a much better position with Sue returning as our Section Leader and Peter continuing as Assistant including all the behind the scenes work. We have been joined by Sinead who is becoming a Section Assistant with us, and we also are joined by young leader William and Michelle who is an occasional helper. We thank all our helpers in Beavers.

In Cubs we would like to thank Claire for joining us a Section Assistant. We thank our leaders Anna, Andrea and Sarah for all their work.

Committee roles

The Group executive committee are looking for new members to join the team, who meet roughly 4 times a year and look after all aspects of the group including running the building. It is very useful to have parental support as some of the committee are ex parents so it would be great to have more current parents. Here are some of areas in which we need help. If you would like to know more about any of the following please contact Jackie Glover at

Treasurer. Now we changed over to online payments there is generally not cash to manage so can be done at home

Secretary. To support the work of the committee and take minutes of meetings

Parent Representatives. These do not necessarily have to have a particular role, but could have one of the below which we are recruiting for, but provide support to the committee and voice opinions of current parents. Ideally we would have one for each section.

Fundraising This may suit a group of people working together to organise fundraising events

Building maintenance We have recently had a lot of work done but there are always things needing doing around the Headquarters

Stores master We have lots of tents and other equipment in our store underneath our Headquarters. We are looking for someone to check that these are in working order and complete, so when leaders take them out to camp they know everything is there.Â