Annual Spring Clean March 2014
Post date: Aug 28, 2014 11:36:45 AM
Join us on Saturday 22 March 2014 from 10 - 12 to have a spring clean. There are a variety of jobs to do, mainly outside the building - including clearing the path from the fire escape, by cutting back ivy and brambles, so please bring gloves and secateurs; checking the roof and gutters; checking and clearing leaves from drains; as well as clearing out the rooms under the main hall, so stiff brooms would also be useful.
There will be a list of jobs up in the HQ this week, so you can put your name against a job or just turn up on the day. The jobs are mainly for adults but children can help with carrying leaves and sticks to the fire.
We hope to see as many of you as possible, as many hands make light work!