1st Radlett Scouts Adult Volunteers Needed

Post date: Feb 08, 2017 6:18:2 PM

The First Radlett Scout Group urgently need more adult volunteers. We are holding an open meeting for people to learn more about what is involved in being a volunteer and to meet some of the current Scout leaders and members of the Executive Committee, who will be able to answer questions, provide details about how the scout groups work, the different ways in which you can volunteer and give you further information about the rewards of being involved.

Date: 4 February 2017

Time: anytime between 11:00am – 12:00 pm

Place: Scout Headquarters, Scrubbits Park Road

Unless we can recruit new volunteers there is a real danger that some of the groups will close in the summer. If we get enough volunteers there is even a possibility that we could open another Cub, Beaver or Scout group. We have many children on the waiting so please do come along to find out more!

If you are unable to come along on 4th February, but would like to know more please contact the Group Scout Leader, Jackie on info@1stradlettscouts.org.uk