Gone Home - Ron Worthy
Post date: Sep 17, 2019 4:24:37 PM
We recently lost a long time 1st Radlett volunteer Ron Worthy who passed away at the beginning of September, after having been involved in Scouting for nearly 60 years. He was involved with 1st Radlett since he moved to Radlett in 1963. He started off as Assistant Scout Master, moving to be Venture Scout Leader (which was the forebear to Explorers). Later he became Group Site Manager and was involved when our headquarters Kent Lodge was built often reminded us he wired the building. He went on to have many roles within Elstree District including two terms as District Commissioner and having several spells as Assistant District Commissioner at different times for the different responsibilities of General Duties, the Scouts and Venture Scouts. He also was a District Nights Away Advisor and most recently became both the District Vice President and 1st Radlett President. He always maintained his ties to 1st Radlett. He helped lead some of our Centenary Celebrations earlier this year and kindly joint-led our Group Quiz last year. The details for the Service of Thanksgiving are as below. Many of you may be aware his family all got involved with Scouting and he was our GSL Jackie's father.Â