British Heart Foundation - Sponsored Dodge Ball Tournament 2013
Post date: Jul 11, 2014 11:11:10 AM
We are holding a charity dodge ball tournament to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. This will take place on Saturday May 18th at Phillimore Park, basketball court from 2:00pm until 4:00pm.
The event is open to Scouts, Cubs and Beavers. This event is to raise as much money as possible for the BHF therefore it is a sponsored event if this is not possible then participants can pay £5 entry fee instead.
Each team will consist of mix of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. In order to be able to plan and co-ordinate teams please complete the slip and return it by Tuesday 29th April to: Sue Rolfe(Tuesday Beaver Leader)
If you are able to help with this event, by either refereeing or helping with refreshments please let Sue know.