Infection Prevention and Control


(Formerly known as IPC Updates)

In the past, when the IPC team had information to share we sent an IPC Update. IPC now falls under health, safety and environment (HSE) with the restructuring of the overall school's HSE portfolio. Note: To find topics from previous bulletins and updates, please use the search icon [🔎] in the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the Most Recent Health, Safety and Environment Bulletin

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about IPC?

If your question is not in the FAQs, email it to We will respond with the answer and then add it to the FAQs. 

Clinical Preparation

Annually, you are required to complete the school's Clinical Preparation Course. It covers the requirements to prepare you to participate in patient care clinics.


Learn more about:

Contact IPC

IPC Officer: Dr. Khaled Altabtbaei

RN, HSE & IPC Coordinator: Ronna Richardson-Lozano

Page Owner: Ronna Richardson-Lozano