
Accessing Kaye Edmonton Clinic & Edmonton Clinic Health Academy

You are required to carry both your Alberta Health Services (AHS) access card and your university ONEcard with you at all times when on campus.

Before arriving at any AHS-administered site, you must complete and submit a School of Dentistry fit-for-work influenza-like illness Iscreening form before each day you will be in that location. AHS sites include such as KEC, the University of Alberta Hospital, Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH), Radius Health and Healing, all satellite clinics etc. This requirement may change as AHS updates its current (Jan 2023) requirements. 

New Employees

It is the responsibility of the staff supervisor or unit leader to announce new members of their teams. 

Gifts for Unpaid Speakers

Guest speakers to the school, that are non-remunerated, will be provided a gift. The individual responsible for the guest speaker should obtain their gift from the school administrator.

Celebration of Years of Service

We follow and participate in the university's career milestone celebration in the fall.


When an employee officially retires from the university the department recognizes the individual's contributions with a school retirement gift.

There are two opportunities for retirement recognition of school retirees; one — at the end of the academic year BBQ in June and the other at the annual awards and recognition event in the fall. This includes a School of Dentistry retirement card and gift package. Please email to notify them when a retirement gift is needed.

The university has a retiree's celebration event separately in the spring.

Bereavement or Serious Illness 

Unit staff supervisors or academic leaders may arrange for donations of flowers, gift baskets, etc. for the staff member affected by bereavement or serious illness.

The department will not make announcements or provide personal contact information regarding the above, due to privacy reasons.

Shared Workspaces and Touchdown Areas

The university is undergoing a space reduction strategy and encourages the following good neighbour guidelines when occupying these spaces within the department.

Here are the expectations: 

Nutrition Nooks and Appliances

Nutrition nooks and kitchens are available with refrigerators, microwaves, coffee makers, kettles and waste receptacles. 

Any appliances in use in the department must be approved by the site administration in each area. Toasters, space heaters, air fryers, etc. are not allowed as they are a fire hazard and may set off a fire alarm. Please note that you may be liable for a fire alarm call that is initiated due to the use of these devices. The fire/rescue fees can range from $1,000 - $10,000.

There are no cleaning services provided by the university in the kitchen areas. It is the responsibility of every individual to clean up after themselves and help keep the area clean. This includes wiping out the microwave after each use with a paper towel. The school purchases cleaning supplies and makes them available under the sinks. 

Filtered water in ECHA is available on the first floor in the hallway south of the south elevators.  Due to minimal fridge shelf space available and a large number of individuals on-site, filtered water jugs and other large items are not able to be accommodated in the refrigerators. 

Scent-free Workplace

Scented items such as personal hygiene products, air fresheners, detergents and cleaning products can aggravate allergies and other sensitivities in some individuals. Please limit the use of scented items or use fragrance-free products whenever possible. If anyone tells you your cologne, perfume, hand cream etc. is too much - it is!


Shredders are not permitted in ECHA. Please use the confidential document disposal bins in the copy/workrooms for items that are for shredding only. All other paper is to be placed in the blue recycling bins. If you a doing a large purge event, contact your site administration to organize a special pickup so the shredding bins are not overfilled.

Office Supplies

Basic office supplies are available for staff and can be requested through each area's site administration. Paper in shared spaces is for use in multi-function devices only. Do not take the paper from the copy rooms.

See a Problem, Report a Problem

The following guidelines will help staff and faculty navigate day-to-day workplace administrative and operational activities. Facilities and building maintenance issues need to be reported immediately by the individual who discovers the issue. Report the issues using the facilities request portal.

Mail and Personal Belongings

The department is not obligated to forward mail or make arrangements for items to be delivered to an individual who may be on leave or has left the department due to retirement, end of employment or completion of a program.

It is the responsibility of any individual away from campus for a period of time, whether on leave, sabbatical, secondment, etc., or has left the department due to retirement, end of employment, or completion of a program, to make their own arrangements to retrieve personal belongings such as mail or items from their workspace. The department offers any of the following options, but the individual is not limited to using one.

Page Owner: Suzanne Roy