
Development Requirement

The professional development requirement was implemented to help students recognize their talents, pursue their interests, learn professional skills, and make the connections that will help them excel in their chosen field.

This requirement has two parts: the individual development plan and eight (8) hours of professional development (PD) activities.

Individual Development Plan

An individual development plan (IDP) is a professional development tool used to help an individual identify strengths and areas for growth, and set attainable goals.

Your IDP Workbook must be finalized by your supervisor and submitted to within:

Working on your IDP does not count towards your eight hours of PD activities.

Professional Development Activities

Students must complete eight hours of PD activities. These activities can take place on or off campus.

The eight hours of PD activities must be completed:

A PD activity will fulfill the PD requirement if it contributes to the acquisition of skills, knowledge or mindset and includes all of these three components*:

*Your supervisor is responsible for approving the eight hours of PD activities considering the components listed above.

Activities that do NOT fulfill the requirement

University Sanctioned Committees

As a pilot, graduate students who are members of University sanctioned committees/boards (e.g. Graduate Students' Association,  CTL advisory committee, department council) can apply to have two hours PD credit for training achieved through their work experience.  Students will need to identify learning outcomes and how they were achieved during their experience. After students submit their form for approval by the committee chair/supervisor, a two-hour PD credit will appear in campusBridge.

Proof of Attendance

Sources of PD Activities

Requirement Completion

Once both components are completed, the IDP & PD Completion Form must be signed by your supervisor and submitted to along with any supporting documents (declaration of attendance forms, certificates of participation or completion). Please send it as a single PDF document.

Page Owner: Deniz Ozgan