Student Groups and Representatives

Five student-led groups represent students at executive committee meetings.

We want to hear your ideas, comments or concerns regarding student life to the executive committee through the representatives below.

You can provide your name or remain anonymous with feedback.

Graduate Studies Committee (GSC)

The GSC plays a role in decisions about admissions, programs, and overall support for our graduate students at the U of A. Rojin Adabdokht, your grad student representative, believes every graduate student's voice should be part of these decisions, as they directly impact your journey here. Whether you have concerns, issues, or ideas for positive change, she is to be the go-to person for you. Together, let's ensure our department remains a place to grow, learn, and enjoy.

The committee meets once per month.

Rojin Adabdokht at or via the form.

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The GSA council advocates on behalf of grad students to the Uof A and all levels of government. Matters that concern the support and well-being of all graduate students are discussed in council sessions. Michelle Bey Olazo serves as your dentistry representative on the council and is available to discuss any concerns to be your voice inside the council. 

The council meets once a month.

Michelle Bey Olazo at or via the form.

Dental Students' Association (DSA)

Students can join the DSA to participate in student advocacy, wellness and sports services that promote oral health. They appoint many of the student representatives to other university committees and groups; and are responsible for lobbying the faculty and school on behalf of student interests.


On their website or at

Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Each faculty at the university has a council that determines the programs run, appoints examiners and determine results, provides admissions, determines withdrawal reasons for programs and authorize degrees. 

The council has four elected voting positions from the school that represent student interests. The Dental Student Association appoints the three undergraduate graduate student positions; and the graduate representative is appointed by the GSA nominating committee.

Meets four times per year.

Dentistry undergraduate representatives: Jason Adam and Jillian Nieberding at

Dental hygiene undergraduate representative: Erin Fedyna at

Dentistry graduate representative: Zanib Kiani at

Student Research Group (SRG)

Find information about the student research group on our public website