Glossary of School Acronyms

Acronyms are alphabetical (by acronym).

The list below are School of Dentistry specific acronyms that are in addition to the University Governance's glossary found at the bottom of the page. 


AASUA - Association of Academic Staff - University of Alberta

ACFD - Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry

ACDH - Alberta College of Dental Hygienists 

ADA&C - see CDSA - formerly Alberta Dental Association & College

ADEA - American Dental Education Association

ADM - Academic Department Manager 

A4A - Access For All (student initiative)

AHS - Alberta Health Services

AOHRU - Applied Oral Health Research Unit 

ARO - see FAR - previously Annual Report Online

ASC - Academic Standing Committee

ATS - Academic Teaching Staff

ATSEC - Academic Teaching Staff Evaluation Committee


BOMRU - Biomedical Oral Maxillofacial Research Unit


CAC - Clinical Academic Colleague &/or Clinical Advisory Committee

CADA - College of Alberta Dental Assistants

CC - Comprehensive Care

CCCA -  

CDAC - Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada

CDCP - Canada Dental Care Plan

CDE/ CE - Continuing Dental Education 

CDSA - College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

CHS - College of Health Sciences

CIO - Chief Information Officer

CRDHA - see ACDH - formerly College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta

CS - Central Sterilization

CTL - Centre for Teaching & Learning

CWG - Clinical Working Group (Part of CAC)


DA - Dental Assisting / Dental Assistant

DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery

DH - Dental Hygiene

DHYG - Dental Hygiene

DSA - Dental Students' Association


ECHA - Edmonton Clinic Health Academy

ERSU - Educational Research & Scholarship Unit


FACA - Facility Access Control Administrator

FAR - Faculty Annual Report (previously ARO)

FASPC - Faculty Academic Standing & Promotion Committee (FoMD)

FEC - Faculty Evaluation Committee (FoMD)

FFD - Fund for Dentistry

FGSP - Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

FGSR - see FGSP - previously Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research 

FoMD - Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry 

FP - Finance Partner 


GPR - General Practice Residency 

GRH - Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital 

GSC - Graduate Studies Committee


HMRC - Heritage Medical Research Centre

HRDF - Human Resources Development Fund

HRP/ HP - Human Resources Partner 

Hx - History


iRSM - Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine

IST - Information Services & Technology




Katz - Katz Centre for Pharmacy & Health Research

KEC - Kaye Edmonton Clinic


LAWEC - Learner Advocacy, Wellness & Engagement Coordinator 

LKS - Li-Ka Shing Centre for Health Research Innovation


MDRT - Medical Device Reprocessing Tech 

MSB - Medical Sciences Building


NASA - Non-Academic Staff Association (Support)


OAW - Office of Advocacy & Wellness (FoMD)

OG - Orthodontic Grad

OHC - Oral Health Clinic 

OM - Oral Medicine

OMFR - Oral Maxillofacial Radiology

OMFS - Oral Maxillofacial Surgery


PAC - Picture Archive Communications System

PG - Periodontology Grad

PGDE / PDE - Postgraduate Dental Education 

PIA - Privacy Impact Assessments

Pt - Patient / or Part time

Px - Presentation


QI - Quality Improvement


RDA - Registered Dental Assistant

RGC - Revenue Generation Centre

RIEC - Resource & Infrastructure Expenditure Committee (Preclinical & Clinical)


SAS - Student & Academic Services

SHINE (Clinic) - Student Health Initiative for the Needs of Edmonton

SoD - School of Dentistry

SOP - Standard Operating Procedures

SRG - Student Research Group

SRU - Shared Resource Unit


Tx - Treatment


UAH - University of Alberta Hospital (also known as WMC)

UT - University Terrace


VVC - Van Vliet Centre (Butterdome)


WMC / WCM - Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre (University of Alberta Hospital)





