Research Excellence Awards

Congratulations to Drs. Manuel Lagravere and Camila Pacheco-Pereira for winning the Research Excellence Awards - Tier I and II respectively! We thank all the faculty and students who supported the nominations this year. 

The purpose of the award is to publicly recognize full-time faculty for their research excellence; to encourage the pursuit of such excellence, and to promote the improvement of research within the School of Dentistry. This award will be recognized as the highest internal research award in the school. 

Eligibility Criteria

Tier I is for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields who have been conducting research for 10 years or more since their first academic appointment. 

Tier II is for an excellent emerging researcher, acknowledged by their peers or trainees as having the potential to lead in their field who has been actively involved in conducting research for less than 10 years since their first academic appointment.

Please carefully review the attached document for the award criteria, process, and checklist.  

Selection Committee

In each category, one award will normally be awarded per year; a decision can be made that no award be given. 

The selection committee will determine if the nominees meet the standard for the award. Any applicants not receiving the award will receive suggestions from the committee for strengthening their application. 

The committee is composed of the associate chair, research, and at least two other members chosen annually by the research committee (including past recipients of the award).

Nomination Process

Who can nominate: Students, Alumni, or Faculty members

After the call for nominations is sent, a nominator will contact the associate chair of research to indicate a nomination. 

More information about the application documentation will be given at that point. Additionally, the nominator will write a letter that speaks to the quality of the documentation and its relevance to the award. This will done near the application's completion with the research project coordinator.


Submission deadline: TBA

How to Submit: Submissions are to be sent electronically as a single PDF document to Teena Mathew 

Past Award Recipients


2023 (Inaugural Year)

Page Owner: Teena Ann Mathew