Performance Awards

"a state in which the person performs to the maximum of their ability"

At the core of the School of Dentistry's operations is its support staff; good support staff are the backbone of the business — the strength that links the strategic and tactical activities of the department. They provide day-to-day operational support to faculty members and students, and the school programs. 

The school values the contributions made by support staff, and through its awards program, officially recognizes the work people do in maintaining the day-to-day operations while striving for excellence.

This award structure models the central university annual support staff awards. The purpose of these awards is to:


Do you know any who are doing amazing things? Recognize their achievements by nominating them.

There are two award categories: 

Category One: Team Player

Great teams don't just happen, it takes great players to come together to achieve greatness. A team player(s) is someone who aligns their personal goals to that of the team and works well with others, doing what needs to be done and striving for a common goal.

Category Two: Fostering an Environment and Culture of Innovation

Innovation and inclusion are fundamental to our culture and core values; we strive to foster an innovative, collaborative and high-energy work environment. A culture of innovation is an environment that supports creative thinking and advances efforts to extract economic and social value from knowledge, and, in doing so, generates new or improved products, services or processes.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, individuals must complete one full year of service with the school. Previous award winners of a particular category are not eligible to be nominated again in the same award category for five years.

General Criteria

Similar to the central awards, we ask that the following fundamental criteria also be evident in the submission:

Bringing the "best" of themselves to work regularly throughout the year in performing regular job duties:

Contributing to a positive culture within the department/work unit:

Selection Committee

The review and selection committee includes two external faculty/staff members of the U of A, and one associate chair within the school. The committee members change annually.

There are two award categories. Only one award in each category will normally be awarded in a given year. It is the responsibility of the selection committee to determine that the nominees meet a standard worthy of this award. A decision can be made that no award be given.

Nomination Process

Any faculty, staff or student in the school may nominate eligible staff members. The endorsement of the nominee's immediate supervisor is required for the nomination to be considered. Self-nominations are not accepted.

NOTE: We recommend that you review the questions in advance and prepare your response in a Google Doc. The nomination form can be a separate document.

At least one letter of support is required, but no more than three letters are necessary.


Deadline: October 15

Awarded: In the Fall semester

Past Award Recipients






2018 (Inaugural Year)

Page Owner: Cheryl Deslaurier