Ethics and Academic Citizenship Requirement

Graduate students are expected to uphold the highest degree of ethical practice in the conduct of their education, research, workplace behaviour, and professional activities. To ensure that you understand your rights, responsibilities, and obligations, all graduate students complete an ethics and academic citizenship requirement.

The ethics and academic citizenship requirement will consist of two zero-credit, self-paced online courses. Students must complete this requirement by taking the following courses:

Students will not be required to retake these courses if they were taken in a previous program.

Students may also meet this requirement by having an ethics and Integrity notation on their transcript from a previous program.

Deadline: End of the first term of registration.

Each year, INT D 710  and INT D 720 will be available on Aug. 1 for current and incoming students who wish to complete their ethics requirements. The courses will be offered each term to align with new term admissions. If a student does not complete the above-noted courses by the end of their first term of registration in their degree program, their registration in subsequent terms will be restricted until the course(s) is completed and/or a plan for completion is submitted by the student to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.

Page Owner: Deniz Ozgan