Health Safety
and Environment

Here you can access everything you need to know to safely participate in all of our clinical environments, simulation areas and research labs. 

We work in collaboration with the following groups to ensure our people and spaces are accessible, safe and healthy to learn and work in:

Quick Links

Have you been injured (not a BBFE) while at work or school? Access a step-by-step guide with the required reports & forms.

Have you experienced ablood or body fluid exposure (cut, poke, scrape, splash, bite) while at work or school? Access a step-by-step guide with the required reports and forms.

Do you have an IPC infraction to report to the HSE coordinator?

*Remember that the identity of the person submitting the report will NEVER be revealed by the HSE coordinator to the person whom the report was filed about.

Page Owner: Ronna Richardson-Lozano