Health and Safety

The School of Dentistry is committed to the health and safety of our people. 

Everyone who works or learns here has a responsibility to themself and to each other to be safe in all we do.

The school has identified health and safety as a core value. 

We are committed to ensuring the physical, cultural and psychological safety of our people. 

The School's Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Subcommittee

A Culture
of Care

& the School
of Dentistry

"Creating a safe workplace environment across our One University requires specific attention to several factors. Safety involves not only the physical environment, but also cultural and psychological well-being, which are equally critical aspects of feeling safe in the workplace."

Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment (HRHSE) Culture of Care

Our overall goal is "to empower U of A employees to own their safety performance and that of others so everyone can go home safely each day." HRHSE Culture of Care

Our Culture of Care: Safety Action Plan includes:

To learn more about the culture of care initiative, visit the HRHSE's Culture of Care: Safety Action Plan.

Emergency response

More Coming Soon...

Page Owner: Ronna Richardson-Lozano