
Hand in Nature (part 2)

Tree Holes

Hand In Nature(part 1)

The subject of this image is a landscape of trees. To create this image, I used my negative to expose the paper. In the developing process, I dunked my hand in developer and then stuck in on the paper. I waited for one minute and then put the paper in developer as normal. I chose to create this image because it tells an important story. I also like the difference of darkness in the image.The main composition technique is repetition. There is repetition in the trees of the image. Repetition is important to the image because it emphasises the subject: trees. The image also uses informal balance. The informal balance is emphasised with the tree that is very close to the camera.This image is trying to show humans hand in nature. There is a dark hand because that shows our negative impact. It is showing that we have caused lots of damage to the Earth and it is not going to improve unless we stick a positive hand into nature.