


The subject of this photograph is a bridge that leads into the forest. To create this photograph I processed my film and created a contact print. I chose to create this photograph because I liked that the front parts of the photograph were dark and black while the middle and some parts of the back were white. I enlarged the photograph and exposed it for 15 seconds at F11. After I scanned the photograph I edited it to make it darker because it did not come out as dark as I wanted it at first. I really like the emphasis on the middle of the photograph with the blacks in the midst of white. I also think that the black to white value throughout the photograph gives it more texture by having the grays in the middle of the photograph and blacks and whites towards the outer edges.

One composition technique in this photograph is high key lighting. This photograph was captured during the winter, therefore the photograph is going to look lighter and have more high key lighting. The lighting adds to the photograph making the trees in the front stand out more against the white sky. This photograph also contains leading lines which helps to direct the eye to the opposite side of the bridge. While I was enlarging this photograph I noticed that the top of the photograph was really light. At the time my exposure was at 12 seconds because that was what I had done my contact print at, so to fix that issue I changed the exposure time from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. I probably could have gone another 3-5 seconds but I was happy with the foreground of the photograph and didn't want to ruin it.

The meaning behind this photograph is you have to start your adventure somewhere. The way that the bridge leads into the forest shows the beginning of an adventure. To me this photograph is saying to experience things while you can. To take these photographs I decided to go hiking. I never want to hike, but because it was for taking pictures I decided I would. After I finished I wanted to go more things just so I could take photographs. This photograph really is telling me that I need to do more things outside of my house. I wouldn't change anything about this photograph. It is the happiest I have been with one of my photographs since the beginning of photography.