Extreme Perspective

Artist Statement

The subject of this image is a sink faucet. The setting is my kitchen sink. To create this image I turned on the faucet and held my phone at the bottom of the sink and aimed the camera up. To edit the image I upped the lighting and dulled the color. One element I used was texture. By using water as my main subject it created a fluid and smooth feeling for the image. A principle I used was movement. Due to the fact that the water was in constant motion, it adds to the flow of the image as well.

The main composition technique in my image is angle up. By aiming the camera up you see the flow of water in a way that we don't normally see. A composition rule that I used was a mix of low and high key lighting. In the corners and the center of the image, it is very dark. Near the light and the window, it is very bright. This adds layers to the image making it more complex. My image didn't evolve much as I began this project. I had had this idea before when taking images with a friend, but she used my original idea. In my original idea, the water source was a water fountain; because my friend used this idea I did something similar.

The meaning of this image is that everything is constantly moving even if it isn't. In the image, you can't see that the water is moving but it is. In life, you sometimes can be sitting still and silent but your head us running at a thousand miles an hour. The only thing I would change about this image is that I would get rid of the sponge in the background. I think the sponge takes away from the background of the image and is unnecessary.