Still Life



The subject of this image is a table covered in food. The setting is my backyard, next to our syrup boiling fire. To edit this image, I increased the light and decreased the shadows. I also increased the contrast and saturation. To make the colors brighter, I enhanced the reds, greens, yellows, and blues. A principle of design in this image is contrast. There is a lot of contrast in the image, with the bright highlights and dark shadows. There is also a lot of contrast in the colors of the image. An element of design in this image is color. The color in this image stands out wonderfully with the white background. Because there are so many colors in the image, there are complementary colors throughout the image.A composition technique in this image is sharp focus. By doing this, I made each of the subjects of this image clear and stand out. Another composition technique in this image is grouping. There is grouping in two places in this image. There is grouping in the bowl of cookies on the right side of the image. There is also grouping in the coffee mugs towards the top left of the image.This image shows my family because this image shows all the elements of our family gatherings. When I look at this image I am reminded of all the times my family got together and hung out outside. I feel happy when I look at this image. This image also shows some of the characteristics of my family. The coffee cups show my dad’s addiction to coffee. The cookies show my brother’s sweet tooth. If I could re-do this project I would try to find a way to incorporate my concentration.