Inspired Film

The Tree

The subject of this image is a group of trees. The setting of this image is the bottom of my driveway. To create this image I rolled my film onto the metal roll after taking it out of it's casing. Then I put the rollin the canister and developed the the film. After the film dried I created a paper with all of my film on it. I then chose which Image I wanted to enlarge and placed the film in the enlarger. I set the aperture to F3.5 and exposed the image for 2 seconds. I also used a 00 filter. Then I developed the paper to create this image. I chose to create this image because it has many layers and gives the image texture. I also liked the detail in the branches of some of the trees.

I used informal balance in this image with the trees with leaves on the left and the trees without leaves on the right. With having most of the light on the right side it creates the effect that that side of the image is "heavier." I also used repetition/grouping with the leaves. I used angle up to take the image from underneath the trees. When I first developed this image on a test strip there was too much contrast in the image, so I used a filter to add more grey tones.

The meaning behind this image is that everything will die eventually. This is shown by the bare branches looking like they are creeping into the branches with leaves.