About Me

My name is Rylee Lyons. I was born in Damariscotta, Maine. I have one brother. At home I speak english. In the future I would like to be a journalist or an author. In 5 years I will have just started college. I would like to go to a good college, but not one like Harvard. My dad's friend from college went to college for art. His name is Harry "Jay" Johnson. He did mostly film photography and would layer images on top of eachother. I am most proud of my success as a student and an athlete throughout my school career. In my free time I like to play board games with my dad or color. I enrolled in this course because I enjoy photography and appreciate the way that photographers can manipulate a setting as well as the image after they have taken it. I like some of Deanna Dikeman's work, especially her series of lawn photos. I also really like Edward Curtis. I think that his work shows emotion and tells a story. My ideal job would be author, but to be an author you have to write a book first, so while I am writing my book I would probably end up being an english teacher. If I do not write a book then I would like to be a journalist. 3 adjectives I would use to describe myself are determined, kind, and competitive.

Object Orange

Auburndale Site #4, 2006.

frame: 30 in x 40 in; image: 21 5/8 in x 32 1/2 in; paper: 24 1/2 in x 25 1/2 in
I am drawn to this image because it reminds me of my old town. The town was very run down and old. I also like the way that the orange stands out against the bland background.

Jan Lauschmann

Untitled, from the "Ostrava" series, 1929

image/paper: 14 1/2 in x 12 1/2 in; mat: 21 in x 17 in
I am drawn to this image because of the orange hue it has. I think it creates a cool effect and makes the blacks blend together more. I also like the way that the fog fades out the background.

Berenice Abbot

Barclay Street Station, New York, 1930

image: 15 1/4 in x 9 5/16 in; mat: 24 in x 30 in; paper: 15 1/4 in x 19 1/2 in
I am drawn to this image because it has many layers and texture. I also like the contrast of the black and white where the blacks are towards the front of the image and the whites are towards the back.

W. Stephen Saunders

Plane Over Pratt Street Lighthouse, 1977

image: 14 1/2 in x 18 1/2 in; mat: 20 in x 24 in; paper: 16 in x 20 in
I am drawn to this image because of the darkness. The way that the center of the image is lighter than the rest of the image makes it interesting. I also like that you can see the stream the airplane left behind.

Ansel Adams

Moonrise from Glacier Point, 1959

image: 7 1/2 in x 9 1/2 in; mount: 13 3/8 in x 15 7/8 in
I am drawn to this image because it seems so fake. The way the image was taken it seems as though this isn't even a real place. I also like the high contrast it contains.