Unique Lighting



The subject of this image is a combination of colorful lines/streaks. To create this image I had my brother hold glow sticks and wave them around, with my camera shutter speed on 6. To edit the image I increased the saturation and contrast, as well as the shadows. An element of design in this image is line. There are many lines throughout the image that were created as the glowsticks moved. I think that the lines help give the image texture, as well as depth. This image uses rule of thirds. The majority of light is to the left third of the image. Another composition technique in this image is repetition. There is repetition in the lines from the glow stick. To create this repetition, my brother moved the glow sticks while the shutter was open. I am not really sure that there is a significant meaning to this image. The only meaning I could see behind this image is the battle between everyone's inner personalities. This battle comes from a person's personality that they are showing to everyone and the personality that they keep for themselves. If I were to re-do this image I would try to incorporate my concentration better. I think that it would have been cool if I created designs like this in front of someone's face, blocking out parts.