

The subject of this image is legos. The two different legos in this image are Captain America's shield and Ironman's helmet. To create this image, I set the two legos on a canvas, with a canvas set behind it. To edit this photo, I brought out the highlights and shadows. By doing this, you can see more depth. I also increased the saturation, that way the colors popped out more. An element of design in this image is space. To make a minimalistic image, it is critical to have lots of negative space. This image shows the space throughout most of the image. A composition technique in this image is low key lighting. The lighting of the image helps to set the mood. By having low key lighting the viewer gets the idea that the image is portraying grief. Another composition technique in this image is selective focus. For this image specifically, the focus of the image is not major, but it does help create the main focus. The focus in this image is on the legos because it is the only subject.The story of this image is not represented by the image, but by what the characters represent. Captain America and Ironman together represent a strong friendship that can never be broken. Even if you have a falling out, you can still come back together and become friends once again. Individually, they represent feeling safe and protected.