Cloning and Overlays





Artist Statement

The subject of the image is myself playing mini-golf with a landscape image of the course. The setting for this image is Gilford's mini-golf. To capture the top layer image I captured multiple images while I was swinging then selected the one that look most aesthetically pleasing. I also choose the least blurry one. To capture the background image I stood back to the edge of the golf course so I could see a section of the holes. I was pointed towards these holes because it had different heights to make the image more interesting.

In creating this layering effect image I copied the main of one image and pasted to the background. I then erased the remnants of the image from the background image leaving just my body. Then I covered up the parking lot light that was in the back because I thought it took away from the wispy clouds that were out the day these image were taken.

This image demonstrates that the use of photoshop can help to amplify the purpose of effectiveness of an image. In this case by layering these 2 images I created 1 image that shows the 2 sides of mini-golf. It also becomes more effective because you can see through the main subject so the whole landscape is visible whereas in other cases it may not be.