Foundations of Art

Throughout the year I improved on being able to use watercolors and include the ocean into more of my artwork. With watercolors I was able to learn how to blend colors from lighter to darker to where you could see a visible change. I love the ocean so working with it is a passion of mine, I was able to incorporate it into a couple of my artworks this year.

The most challenging projects that I did this year was the wire sculpture and linoleum prints. The wire sculpture was difficult for me because I have never worked with wire before and I ended up struggling a lot with shaping my sculpture. I also had a difficult time trying to make my sculpture stand up. With the linoleum prints I think my problem was I didn’t choose that great of a picture to recreate. So it ended up making it extremely difficult to work with, especially since the finish project ended up looking like islands when it was supposed to be a dog.

I am most proud of my artist inspired project because I love how I combined Vincent Van Gough with a german artist whose name I sadly cannot remember. I love the color scheme I did within the drawing and I love the meaning behind the artwork. I feel like most of my artwork this year showed a lot of my weaknesses because a lot of the projects this year was outside of my comfort zone when it comes to art. But I really enjoyed that, I found it fun to be pushing my art skills and working with techniques that I've never worked with. There was also some projects this year that were inside my comfort zone and I think these showed my strengths in art.