Advanced Art

Final Reflection

I really enjoyed Advance Art this year and I am proud of some of the art I created this year. If you go look at all my work from my first year of high school until now I think you can see a big improvement on my art skills especially when it comes to drawing animals. I always struggled with drawing animals and adding enough detail to them in order for them to look like what there suppose to but at the end of my first semester of Sophomore year I started to finally understand how to draw them. I fell in love with drawings animals and wanted to continue with that so I based my inquiry question off "how can I show color through animals" and worked with that idea all year long which I really enjoyed.

In the beginning of this year you can tell my art wasn't as advance as my later on projects were, and I figure out the reason why is because I struggle with drawing on smaller scale. My sea turtle was an art commission from a coworker of mine and it was a 12x24 I believe, and I found it so much easier to work with a larger piece of paper than a smaller one. So for the rest of the year I continued using 12x24 paper and created artwork that I was very proud of!

Working with smaller paper was definitely my biggest challenge now that I look back at it, I also had a hard time using other materials that weren't watercolor. Watercolor is my favorite material to use and I used it all the time so trying to work with other materials like colored pencils, stamps, and ink was definitely a struggle but towards the end I really enjoyed using them and was proud of how my projects came out!

I am proud of all my art and seeing how I have grown since freshman year. To be honest I never thought my art would get better because no matter how much I would draw and practice my art never seem to become more advance like some others would. So seeing how all my animal drawings have grown since freshman year really makes me happy and makes me want to keep going!

This summer I'm going to keep drawing animals and keep practicing other things like people, hands, feet and more. For the future I'm hoping to either become an art teacher for elementary school or become an illustrator for kid books about animals!