Zentangle Value Strip

In this project we had to make different patterns in each rectangle and use different shades of pencil from darkest to lightest. I only used pencil sense we were suppose to and I used the examples from above to get ideas on what to do. I didn't really have a reason to choose a specific pattern I just used ones that looked nice to me and tried to do that on my paper some of them were my own pattern though.

I mainly just used the pencil rule and shading rule in this drawing and my project didn't really evolve in this I mainly did what I felt like doing for patterns and tried to add some of the examples into my patterns as well.

There isn't a meaning in my artwork I just did random patterns. The project doesn't relate to my life really except for the striped ones because I use to like stripes a lot sense my favorite animal use to be a zebra. I definitely think my project could've been stronger especially towards the lighter shades of pencil I think I could've done better on those.