Revision Of Old Art

For my revision project I wanted to make the cheetah look more realistic and up close. I chose to do recreate my cheetah with a different angle and details that I've never really drawn before to see how far my work has come this year since the beginning of it.

I carved out my design on cork of the cheetah and then used stamping ink to get the final design, I then went over with colored pencils to add more color and details.

I experimented with carving and stamping for this project and I really enjoyed it. It very relaxing to me and it was fun experimenting with a new material that I never use. As you can probably tell from the before photo and the after photo a lot has changed and I'm really proud of it. I think in the future if I ever do stamping again I'll have to make sure there isn't any globs because I don't know if you can tell from the photo in some areas it got really splotchy and globy.