Pure Contour Shoe Drawing

In this drawing we had to do a pure contour drawing of our shoe. In this drawing I just used pencil and I used my shoe. The reason why I chose this shoe was because I had it with me and I thought it would be cool to draw it since I find my shoes different compared to others because of the shoe laces.

I used the rules of pure contour and I used the technique of drawing lightly and then going over it when I have the drawing the way I want it. One thing I changed was the positions of my shoe because when I first did this project I had different angles that made it harder for me so I ended up changing the position of everything and starting over.

There really isn't any meaning behind this piece of artwork other then the fact that I drew these pairs of shoes because I found them more unique because of the shoe laces. The project relates to my life because the main reason why I got these shoes were because they were comfy and because I found them funny looking because of there design. And thats the reason why I drew my shoes instead of another pair was because I found them funny to draw. My artwork could definitely be stronger and I want to work on shoes more so if in the future we draw shoes again they would be better.