Pure Contour and Patterns

In this project we had to do 3 portraits in different views and 5 negative spaces. I made my artwork with pencil, sharpie pen, watercolor, and colored pencils. I chose these four animals because it seemed nobody picked these animals to draw and because they seemed the most interesting to me to draw. I also chose to draw rope and branches to make the negative spaces with, and to make it easier for me to decide where I wanted them to be as well.

I used shading and and patterns in my drawing as techniques. My project evolved with my animals because I planned to do a tiger, alpaca, and a dinosaur because they seemed to be interesting to me but then I changed my mind.

There is a meaning between my artwork for my animals and its just because those animals stuck out to me more then the others ones did. My project doesn't really relate to my life, and I think my artwork could've been better if my cats didn't jump up and make beautiful oops on my project.