Linoleum Prints

The subject of my creation is suppose to be my dog, and the setting was him outside. To do this project we used these rubber stamps that we carved into with certain carving tools, then we put ink on the stamps and just went from there. I chose to do a stamp of my dog because it was a really cute photo of him when we first got him.

I didn't really use any techniques when it came to my stamps other then when it came to my multicolored stamp, and for that one I just mainly tried not to blend the two colors together. My project didn't really involve, though I was gonna try and start over since the stamp doesn't really at all look like my dog but I decided against and just kept going with what I had.

This project relates to my life because this is my dog who I see every weekend since he is at my Dad's house. I think my project could definitely be stronger especially if it looked more like my dog instead of islands.