Blind Contour Drawings

In our blind contour drawings we had to draw a hand, ourselves, and the person we sat next to without looking or lifting up the sharpie marker that we were using. (by the way the hand is on the left the middle is my self portrait and the right is my seatmate) I really enjoyed this because I found it fun to add on to our blind contour drawings and I decided to add a person to make it look like she was thinking about drawing the blind contour drawings that I did. In this drawing I used pencil watercolor and sharpie, I don't have a subject it was more of random thing due to my blind contour drawings but I did get inspired by the video we watched with the mother adding her own idea to her daughters artwork.

I don't have really any techniques in my artwork other than dripping the watercolor down the paper which in my eyes didn't really come out well especially sense it dripped in the face. I didn't change anything in my art I continued with the ideas that I wanted in the beginning though I wished I changed the watercolor dripping idea.

None of my project has a real meaning other than being inspired by the video we watched and none of it really relates to my life. I think my artwork definitely could've been stronger if I did better with the watercolor but I am still proud of it sense it didn't come out very bad though I am very proud of how the girls eyes came out.