Advance/Ap Art & Design

Semester 2 Reflection

From the start of the second semester to now, I feel the detail in my artwork has improved the most. I took more time to capture not only my animals I would draw but their surroundings as well. I also explored using materials I like and don’t like using such as acrylics paints and working on canvas. I tried to work on making my shading more realistic and brighter without over saturating and losing my detail work. I enjoyed working with the acrylics and pencils but have to say my favorite medium to work with is watercolors. I explored using different brushes as well as watercolors that I am not used to using to help myself become more comfortable using them. I am proud of the pieces that I made using them. Some of my favorite watercolor paintings were my Manatee, King Eider and Lion paintings. I put a lot of time into them and I am proud of how they turned out. I also tried ideas that took me away from what I was comfortable drawing and painting. The painting that comes to mind for me the most on this one is my African Wild Dog. I used all acrylics on this as well as canvas instead of paper. I really took my time on it and added in more detail on the background than I had previously ever done. I tried focusing on the horizon which is something that I struggle with and often leave out of my work. I found that this was not as hard to do as I thought and that I was overthinking the process. I found that this helped me put more dimension into my work and really made my animals stand out more.

I found that when i do more sketches of whatever idea may be, it helps me to develop a stronger art project. I tried to put more time in really sketching out smaller ideas before creating a bigger one. I found this helped me really express my idea better when transferring that idea into a larger piece. I really tired to focus on blending my colors better and capturing the emotion of the scene I was painting. I tried being as specific as I could with each piece. I did struggle some with constantly trying to come up with new ideas. This part was stressful for me. I would try to come up with ideas and start to sketch them and then hit a wall with that idea and have to start over or find a whole new idea to go with. When this would happen it would be so hard to stay motivated and stay on a schedule to complete my project on time.

I did struggle staying on top of projects this semester. I struggle at times staying focused when I have a lot going on or multiple projects due at the same time. Before I knew it, I had projects piling up on me and I felt very overwhelmed. I also struggle with letting pieces go before I feel they are ready, which in turn also causes me to fall behind. I struggled with some major health issues this year as well. Dealing with that and constantly worrying about what was going to happen to me I would have hard time thinking of ideas for my projects sometimes. This would cause me to get a later start than I had planned which would in turn have me finishing and turning in my projects late. Sometimes I would be so overwhelmed trying to finish a project that I would just stop and not turn anything in at all. My depression really kicked in from my health issues after February break making it really hard to even get out of bed some days and go to school even though I knew I had too. I really started to fall behind in all my classes at this point. Art has always been an outlet for me to get away from everything and I wasn't enjoying it at all. I wasn't talking to anyone either even though my mom asked me every day what was going on because she could see it. I finally opened up to my mom and we went to the doctor to see if I could get some help with everything I had going on. A weight was lifted when I did that and now all of sudden I didn't feel so lost anymore. I finally felt like I could focus again just by telling someone how I was feeling. I knew it was going to be hard getting out of the hole I had let myself get into but knew I could do it with some hard work.

I am so proud of myself with all the hard work I did to get caught back up. It took a lot of extra hours at home and staying after school to do so, but I did it! If I could change one thing it would be I wish I had talked to someone sooner to let them know how I was feeling before it got so bad. Once I was really able to focus, I found that my ideas started coming to me again. I found myself sketching more that had for a long time. Between my mom and I, we met with my teachers developed a plan to help get me caught up. It was hard work. Lots of late nights at home and staying after school to get caught uo. I missed out on fun stuff and even let go of softball this year so I could fix what I had caused. I have to say I feel I finished strong and I am proud of what I have done.

I have always loved art. Reading and art have always been my way of escaping reality when I need to. The last four years have really pushed me out of my comfort zone and has made me try new art styles that I never would have on my own. My high school art classes may be coming to end, but art will always be piece of me no matter what. One day I am hoping to become an art teacher where I can help kids find their love for art as well.