D'Malice Dance Academy

D'Malice Dance Academy

Time and again we hear about the success stories, which are passion driven without any great infrastructure and support system. Just nine months back, in a hinterland hamlet Bori, a new dance group "D'Malice Dance Academy" was born out of pure passion and love for dance. With very meager support, which was only within close friends, and no money for costumes or training from professional trainers, the youngsters of Bori created history!

On Diwali day finally the "Lagaan" team were crowned title winners for the prestigious "Dance Goa Dance-2013" with the coveted First prize. The competition was fierce from the established dance groups supported by urban colleges and institutions. The lack of money to spend for costumes was not a deterrent, but made them opt for a tribal dance, which won the coveted first prize judged by eminent dancers from Mumbai. The audience in Kala Academy, Panaji went crazy, looking at the awe striking choreography and flawless, mind blowing dance!

Team D'Malice participated Mega Audition at "RumJum" a dance program arranged by DD1 in Mumbai. Twenty one awards in the counting from all over Goa & Maharashtra group competition in 8 months is a record unparalleled in the history of dance in Goa..

They intend to develop an academy so the village children will get a platform to develop their talents and would not suffer the hardships and humiliations they went through.

APPEAL TO ALL - Team D'Malice needs financial support to keep the success flowing. Kindly donate to their Bank Account (refer Contact)

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Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go! - T.S.Eliot