Dr. Shanti Arvind Kudchadker

Dr Shanti Kudchadker is Proprietor, Anjaleena Engineering Information Services (AEIS), Mumbai. She set-up AEIS to provide Ideal Gas Thermodynamic properties of complex molecules to the Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas A&M university, USA, as technical business outsourcing back in 1978. Shanti is the first woman PhD ever from Texas A&M university, College Station, Texas, in 1967.


Dr Kudchadker’s expertise is on Ideal gas thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons and oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and halogenated compounds as well as many complex molecules through statistical thermodynamics using spectroscopic and thermochemical information.  


Her current interests are school education especially the dropouts and economically deprived and computer-based learning.   


Dr. Kudchadker obtained her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Bombay University, Bombay (1958, 1961), and Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from Texas A&M University, USA,  (1967). From 1963 onwards, she also worked with the American Petroleum Institute carrying out research in the area of Thermodynamic Data and Analysis until 1968.

She returned to India in 1968 with a research project, Kanpur Critical Data Center (1969-76) at IIT, Kanpur with funding from the US National Bureau of Standards (NIST) as Senior Investigator.


She spent two years at Texas A&M University from 1976-78 as Senior Physical Chemist at Thermodynamics Research Center carrying out research. 


She has over 35 years of research experience in the area of Thermodynamics and Spectroscopy. She has published 30 papers in international reviewed journals, contributed a chapter on ‘castor oil cracking’ in Encyclopedia of Chemical processing and Design (Marcel Dekker, 1977) and 15 Data Books on chemicals of importance to the chemical industry. 


Shanti is member of Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, and Indian Women Scientists Association. She has received the following awards: Best M.Sc. thesis, Best girl student (Miss Institute of Science, Bombay, 1959).