Fr. Sebastian M. Rodrigues

Born at Borim, Ponda, Goa on 5th September 1929. Reading, Writing and First studies under the guidance of the the first chaplain of Borim Fr. Basilio Fernandes. Joined formal schooling at the Government Primary School, Borim, 1939. Completed Primary and Secondary School with Primeiro and Segundo Grau. Feeling called to Priesthood, joined the all India Mission Seminary,Pilar in 1943. Did Novitiate in 1948-49, made his first commitment in the society of Pilar in July, 1949.

October 1949 he proceeds to Rome for philosophical and Theological Studies at the Pontifical Propaganda College where his classmates were belonging to 60-70 countries.

After successful completion of studies was ordained Priest on 21st December, 1955. Returned to Goa in 1957 with doctorate in Philosophy and licentiate in Theology. Professor of Philosophy at the all India Mission Seminary, Pilar was appointed as Rector of the same institute from 1962 to 1968. For one year he was Novice Master (1968-69) in charge of formation of young members of the Society of Pilar. In 1969 while being Rector of Nagpur house of studies was appointed Superior General of the Society of the Missionaries of the St. Francis Xavier by the Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of faith, Rome, the highest missionary authority in the Catholic church.

1973 appointed Parish Priest in Daman 1975 proceeds to Allahabad as Spiritual Director and Professor of Philosophy at the Regional Seminary.

In December 1977 joined the Fr. Agnel Ashram as Superintendent at the Ashram office. 1980-82 Procurator of Vashi community. 2005 Director of Educational complex, Bandra and Manager of Fr. Agnel School, Bandra.

Today at the mature age of 80 he is active and helps the Bandra community