
Interviul lui Murray acordat politiei - 27 iunie 2009, Hotel Ritz-Carlton din Marina del ReyIdeile principale, aici: Martori - 2. Interviul integral, in transcript si transcript2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fotografii prezentate in timpul procesului



Discutia telefonica paramedic-medic UCLA


Discursul lui MJ inainte de a adormi

Jackson:  Elvis didn’t do it.  Beatles didn’t do it.  We have to be phenomenal.  When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I am them to say, “I’ve never seen nothing like this in my life.  Go. Go.  I’ve never seen nothing like this.  Go. It’s amazing.  He’s the greatest entertainer in the world.”  I’m taking that money, a million children, children’s hospital, the biggest in the world, Michael Jackson’s Children’s Hospital.  Gonna have a movie theater, game room. Children are depressed. The –in those hospitals, no game room, no movie theater. They’re sick because they’re depressed.  Their mind is depressing them.  I want to give them that.  I care about them, them angels.  God wants me to do it.  God wants me to do it.  I’m gonna do it, Conrad.

Murray:  I know you would.

Jackson: Don’t have enough hope, no more hope.  That’s the next generation that’s gonna save out planet, starting with-we’ll talk about it.  United States, Europe, Prague, my babies.  They walk around with no mother.  They drop them off, they leave- a psychological degradation of that.  They reach out to me- please take me with you.

Murray: Mmmnh-mmnh

Jackson: I’m gonna do that for them.  That will be remembered more than my performances.  My performances will be up there helping my children and always be my dream.  I love them.  I love them, because I didn’t have a childhood.  I had no childhood.  I feel their pain. I feel their hurt.  I can deal with it.  "Heal the World," "We are the World," "Will You be There," "The Lost Children."  These are the songs I’ve written because I hurt, you know, I hurt.

Murray: You okay?

Jackson: I am asleep.


Mesajul telefonic lasat de Murray pacientului Bob Russell (11:01) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Singurele 7 minute salvate de pe camerele de supraveghere de la casa din Carolwood dr. 100 (2:18)01.01.50 - 01.02.22 (32 seconds) se deschid portile 01.50 apoi se sare la 02.22 cand sunt inchise01.02.25 - 01.02.32 (7 seconds) se sare la 02.32 (portile erau inchise la 02.25)01.02.43 -01.03.30 (47 seconds) lipsa01.03.35 - 01.04.06 (31 seconds) lipsa01.04.11 - 01-04.40 (29 seconds) lipsa01.04.45 - 01.06.34 (1 minut 49 seconds) lipsa, fast forward la 01.06.34 o masina iese01.06.45 - 01.06.49 (4 seconds) lipsa01.06.58 masina care iese la 06.34 se opreste la fani01.07.06 -.01.07.12 (6 seconds) lipsa01.07.26 - 01.07.36 (10 seconds) lipsa01.07.41 - 01.16.47 ( 9 minuts 6 seconds) fast forward cu stop la - 01.07.23 derulare inapoi01-06.54 derulare inapoi la 00.09.09 apoi din nou inainte la 00.12.49 derulare inapoi la 00.08.38 apoi inainte la 00.44.47____________________________________________________________________________________________________