Wilfred Hampshire

Wilfred was born in Horbury in 1897, the son of Frederick and Martha Hampshire of Northfield Lane, in the parish of St Mary’s Horbury Junction. Frederick worked as a woolen and cotton bag merchant in 1901 and became a local councillor. According to the Wakefield Express of 19th May 1917 his son Wilfred was learning the grocery business at ‘Mr Armstrongs’ as war broke out. He enlisted on January 16th 1916 in Horbury and went to France in May of that year – as a Private in the 21st Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) (Service number 21/538).

Wilfred died on 8th May 1917 when a shell exploded as he made his way back from the front line trenches. He is buried at Level Crossing Cemetery, Fampoux, and his death was remembered in the May/June 1917 edition of St Peter’s church magazine.