Mirai Gohan

Japanese Names: Son Gohan (孫 悟飯)Name Pun: Cooked rice, LunchFUNimation Name: Future GohanSilver Shenron Name: Mirai GohanOther Names: Adult Gohan, Alternate timeline Gohan Race: Human/SaiyanHeight: 5'9"Weight: 169 lbs.Birth Year: Age 757Death Year: Age 780Hobbies: N/AFavorite Food: N/AFavorite Vehicle: N/AFirst Appears: Trunks: The Story [Manga], TV Special 02 [Anime, DBZ]Appearances: DBZSeiyuu: Masako NozawaVoice Actor: Dameon Clarke (Trunks Special), Kyle Hebert (video games)No different to the mainstreamed one, Mirai Gohan is showcased as a twenty-three year old man and is depicted as the mentor of Trunks. Gohan managed to become a Super Saiyan presumably after seeing his friends murdered at the hands of the androids. Over the course of thirteen years, Gohan, who is the last remaining Z-Senshi, continuously takes it upon himself to challenge the androids, even though he is outnumbered and utterly outclassed.

After Son Goku dies of a deadly heart virus and the androids murder all of the Z-Senshi, Son Gohan finds himself the only fighter left with the power to stop the cyborgs once and for all.

He fights using only one arm and fights much more aggressively, Mirai Gohan has a different hairstyle than any of his present timeline counterparts, as well as a scar running down the left side of his face. His uniform resembles that of Goku's early/mid uniform, with the exception of his own kanji, longer sleeves, and different boots.

During a day of training, a nearby city is attacked by the androids. Gohan prepares himself for battle, only to see young Trunks begging to fight along side him. Gohan seemingly accepts, only to knock Trunks out to avoid the young warrior from being nearly killed again, or worse. The one-armed Gohan seals his final fate when he flies into the city alone and ambushes the androids. Despite his handicap, Gohan puts up a long, suspenseful fight against the combined power of the cyborgs.

As Gohan tries his hardest to keep his defense up, he is ganged up on and knocked down into the city streets below. The androids then launch energy blasts like a machine gun from the sky, killing him outright. Trunks awakens when his mentor's energy depletes. He then searches the city, only to find Son Gohan's dead body laying in a pool of bloody water. His rage bursts out and he transforms into a Super Saiyan for the first time.

It is to be noted that in the manga chapter upon which the special is based, not only was the first battle against the cyborgs (where Gohan obtains his facial scar and arm) never shown, but Trunks was already able to transform into a Super Saiyan, and Mirai Jinzoningen #18 never joins the battle, as Jinzoningen #17 mockingly brags that he only used under half of his maximum when he defeated Gohan over a year ago, and kills him with ease before Trunks is able to awaken and find Gohan's corpse in the debris (also notable is that no rain is ever seen during this scene, although Trunks ramming his fists into the ground in frustration is shown, if much less accentuated)

Due to the apocalyptic world that he spent the latter half of his life in, Mirai Gohan is shown being very serious and more aggressive than his present timeline counterpart, but does retain his calm and joking nature, much like his father. Son Gohan is shown to be in quite a bit of pain and stress after all the years of challenging the cyborgs alone, and has a sort of "do or die" attitude. However numerous times he appears to hide it, let go, and just enjoy life for what it is worth, most notably when telling Trunks to forget about becoming a Super Saiyan until he knows he is ready (in the anime special). Son Gohan also calls Trunks his little brother ("bro" as well in the Funimation dub), as the two appear to be incredibly close, and Gohan appears to think of him as a little brother.

Son Gohan also seems to be deeply angered by the deaths of his close friends, which is told out loud to Trunks by stating that he remembers back to how the androids killed Piccolo and Krillin when transforming into a Super Saiyan. Because Son Gohan presumably never went to school and became a scholar, it is assumed he spent all of his time training and pondering ways in which to stop the cyborgs, making him a complete warrior instead of the scholar his present timeline counterpart becomes in late Dragon Ball Z and in Dragon Ball GT. However, he is never able to receive the ample training with Son Goku like his present timeline counterpart does, and therefore, is never able to reach anywhere near his full potential, which leads to miserable defeats against the weaker Jinzoningens of the future.